
  • Advice from a Licensed Aesthetician

    Advice from a Licensed Aesthetician Invest in your biggest asset, your skin.  Your skin is your largest organ.  And how do you treat it?  Are you using all-natural ingredients on your skin?  Have you had laser treatments?  Do you know if your products are penetrating beyond the epidermal layer? ... View Post
  • Sun Safety is a MUST During Summer Months

     July is UV Safety Awareness Month and Iridesse® Skin Care wants to make sure you are both safe and aware when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun’s rays this summer.  We have compiled a list of tips and tricks that can help you and your family beat the heat while enjoying the beautiful... View Post
  • The Iridesse® Family Portrait

    The Iridesse® Family Portrait Iridesse® is a one-of-a kind brand, with superior products created to fulfill both a need and a want and not simply to fill space in an already saturated marketplace. In order to continue to be more than just a product (but a skincare partner) to all of our clients,... View Post