Iridesse® Skin Care: beauty product and lifestyle partner
Iridesse® was created as a solution promoting true skin health and beauty for patients not currently benefiting from the millions of products in the marketplace.
A one-of-a kind product named after the one and only Greek goddess Iris, th...
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Hi, my name is Ghada and I will be turning 36 soon and I’m joking about being upset over young, great looking men finding me attractive. Who wouldn’t?!
Thanks to a beauty regimen that includes the entire Iridesse® Skin Care line, friends are amazed how my skin continues to look better with age, a...
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Family, friends, colleagues and patients,
It is my pleasure to share with you a passion project (and products) I have developed with scientists as part of my ongoing mission to create all-natural, anti-aging skin care solutions not currently found in the medical grade marketplace or retail cosme...
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